At PowerDaySale, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchases. That’s why we offer a hassle-free return policy for your peace of mind. This page provides a clear guide on how to initiate a return for various scenarios, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
At PowerDaySale , we strive to provide a hassle-free return experience for our customers. Please note that PowerDaySale is not responsible for return shipping fees under the following circumstances:
In cases where a return is initiated due to an incorrect shipping address provided by the customer, the return shipping fee will be borne by the customer.
Returns for items that are not defective or damaged, but are being returned for reasons other than product quality issues, will require the customer to cover the return shipping costs.
If a return is initiated due to size or fit issues that are not related to a product defect, the customer will be responsible for the return shipping fees.
If a customer refuses delivery of a package without cause, the cost of return shipping will be charged to the customer.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the return is due to a product defect or error on our part.
Please ensure to carefully review our return shipping policy and the reasons for which PowerDaySale is not responsible for the return shipping fee before initiating a return.
By adhering to these simple guidelines, we aim to ensure a seamless and stress-free returns experience for our customers. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in following these steps to facilitate an easy return process.
Thank you for choosing PowerDaySale for your shopping needs. We value your trust and are dedicated to providing excellent service at every step.
[Address-CA]: 1664, 225 The East Mall, Toronto, ON, M9B 0A9
[Address-IN]: Birla Plot ,Dwarka- 361335, Gujarat, India.
[Address-ES]: Passeig Pere III, 87 Estudios 9-11, 08240 Manresa (Barcelona). Spain
[Tel-CA]:+1 647-874-5950
[Tel-IN]: +91 97124 35105
[Tel-ES]: +34 938757356
Copyright text 2018 – 2024 by Dwarkadhish E-Commerce Private Limited | Hosted on TD Web Services
Please check your email inbox. The confirmation email will contain your ticket number and additional information about the return/exchange process.
An agent will respond to you within 24 hours. They will review your request and provide further instructions.